Do This While You Wait for Your Disability Hearing

Closeup of a man taking notes

It is important for a person to prepare notes, submit more medical records as well as written statements from people familiar with his or her disability and consult with a disability lawyer while waiting for a disability hearing. Preparation is key to successfully presenting a case that convinces an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) that an applicant is entitled to receive disability benefits during a hearing.

Preparing Notes

A person should spend time reviewing the documents that he or she may have, including the application for disability benefits and any documents from the Social Security Administration (SSA), before a disability hearing. Reviewing these documents helps an applicant develop notes that can be used at the hearing. Having notes that one can refer to during the hearing helps relieve anxiety and articulate answers to the ALJ’s questions more clearly.

The notes prepared should include answers to commonly asked questions during hearings, including information about one’s past physical and mental job duties and the limitations he or she experiences after disability.

Gathering More Medical Records

New medical evidence relating to a person’s disability can significantly improve the chances of a claim being approved. Continuing to get treatment for the existing conditions creates more medical evidence for a person.

Claimants should keep requesting their most recent records from their healthcare providers. When they receive their updated medical records, they should send copies of those records to the ALJ before their hearing.

Contacting a Lawyer

According to statistics, applicants represented by disability lawyers can increase their chances of winning their cases by as much as 75%. Lawyers who are familiar with the application and appeals processes can use their knowledge to make it as trouble-free as possible for applicants. Lawyers help ensure a case is prepared strongly and that applicants meet all the requirements and deadlines.

Submitting Written Statements

Written statements are another piece of evidence beneficial to a person’s hearing. One should submit written statements that explain the impact that a disability has had on his or her life. The statements can be from former employers, co-workers and family members. For example, former employers can provide statements on how a person used to work before his or her disability.

An applicant should also get a detailed statement from his or her doctor about his or her functional limitations, which are the work duties that he or she cannot perform because of a disability.

Social Security Disability

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