SSDI Benefits: Here’s How to Win

There is no surefire way to guarantee an application for SSDI will be approved, but submitting substantial medical evidence, giving honest, accurate answers, and working with Social Security Disability lawyers and advocates can increase a claimant’s chances of winning benefits.

Thoroughness and Accuracy Are Key to Winning SSDI Benefits

When applying for SSDI benefits, accurately completing all the necessary paperwork in its entirety is essential. Claimants must submit an application and medical forms, as well as extensive supporting documentation. Doing so in a timely manner is important, however, missing a question or forgetting to include a required document could result in lengthy delays in applicants’ cases. Omissions, errors, and other inaccuracies could reduce the validity of claims, which could result in a denial of benefits.

Submitting Substantial Medical Evidence Increases a Claimant’s Odds of Winning Disability

Submitting substantial evidence pertaining to applicants’ medical conditions and resulting disabilities is vital to the success of SSDI claims. Claimants should keep track of their symptoms, the medications and other treatments they have tried, all doctor appointments, and any urgent care or emergency department visits.

Medical evidence from applicants’ treating physicians, clinics, hospitals, and other facilities where they have received treatment helps agency staff make disability determinations. In addition to providing medical records, including doctor office notes, procedure reports, laboratory results, diagnostic images, and imaging reports, claimants should request written findings and opinions from their doctors to help prove their conditions and resulting impairments.

Providing Honest Answers without Oversharing Can Help Claimants Win SSDI Benefits

Honestly presenting all medical conditions and how their disabilities impact their lives and ability to work can help improve applicants’ chances of winning SSDI benefits. Over-exaggerating symptoms or effects can hurt applicants’ cause. They need not be completely out-of-commission to receive benefits, but exhibiting dishonesty regarding their impairments could cause agency staff to question the authenticity of their applications.

While honesty is best, applicants should also refrain from providing unsolicited information. Unless they are directly asked questions about alcohol abuse, drug use, or criminal history, these details are better left unshared.

Filing Appeals

According to the Social Security Administration, approximately 10.1 million people received disability benefits for December of 2017. Unfortunately, close to 800,000 more are still waiting for approvals. Despite legitimate disabilities, claims for benefits are often denied. Most applicants who win disability claims are represented by attorneys or advocates and they obtain approval at the ALJ hearing level.

Social Security Disability

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