How To Increase Your Chances Getting Approved For Disability Benefits

List All the Conditions That Contribute To Your Disability

There are several things you can do to help improve your chances for receiving a Social Security Disability approval. First, be sure to list all  the medical problems that you have, regardless of how severe they are or when they began. It can be easy to forget limitations that we’ve had for a long time, because we’ve learned to live with them. You can include preexisting injuries and conditions if they  also prevent you from working.  All your conditions, old or new, will be considered in your claim for disability benefits. More details about filing for disability can be found here: “How Do I Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?”

Be Realistic and Honest in Your Disability Claim

When we are completing your disability forms and talking with Social Security, it is helpful to be honest about not only what you cannot do, but also about what you can do, given your conditions.  Avoid making exaggerations. Also,  avoid telling your doctor courteously that you feel “fine” or “okay” when you are not. If you do not complain, they will not write down you have any problems during your visit.  Be sure that your doctors know when youare receiving treatment from other providers.  . Additionally, it is important to follow your physician’s guidance: including attending all appointments, getting your prescriptions filled on time, and taking your medications as recommended.

Be Responsive to the Social Security Disability Application Process

Another way to help your claim is to answer questions as directly and clearly as possible. Promptly respond to any written or telephone requests for additional information. If there is an unavoidable delay, let the claims examiner know that you need more time. When answering questions, limit your answer to the specific question asked. If asked to go to a consultative examination with a doctor whom Social Security selects, be sure to attend those appointments.   If you cannot make the appointment, be sure to let your claims examiner know as soon as possible – your claim can be denied by simply failing to appear.

Communicate with Your Doctors

Your chances of disability approval may also be improved if your doctors understand what the Social Security Administration expects of them. Your claims specialist or attorney will ask your treating physicians to provide a report about your diagnosis, your limitations, and your capabilities. It is very important that your doctor(s) complete such reports with not only accurate information, but also in the manner requested (e.g., questionnaires or narrative requests). Some claims are denied because the treating physician doesn’t respond or doesn’t provide an adequate report.

How Attorneys for Social Security Can Help

A Social Security lawyer can be very useful because he or she is experienced in navigating the Social Security disability claim process.   There are numerous procedures, deadlines, and issues unique to each stage of the disability process that can result in a claim being denied on a simple technicality.  This can be avoided with an experienced Social Security lawyer’s assistance.

Social Security Disability

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